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Adults CHF 24

Seniors/Handicapped/Students CHF 18

Children (6 bis <16 Years) CHF 12


Generational-Ticket A
(2 Adults + 5 Children (6 to <16 Years) CHF 60

Generational-Ticket B
(1 Adult + 5 Children 6 to <16 Years) CHF 45

groups (groups of more than 10 paying individuals)

Adults CHF 18

Seniors/Handicapped/Students CHF 15

Schools (6 to <16 Years) CHF 10


buy tickets

museums specials


Audio Guide "Bucket List Tour" free of charge

Earphones CHF 4

Museums Guide "Explorer Map" CHF 2

Suchspiel "Lily + Börni" CHF 2

Jahreskarten für firmen

Ein übertragbares Goodie für Ihre Mitarbeiterinnen & Mitarbeiter, Ihre Kundinnen & Kunden, für Partnerinnen & Partner. Sie ist übertragbar und gewährt für 1 Person freien Eintritt in den Gletschegarten während eines Jahres.


Mehr erfahren und bestellen

free admissions

Upon presentation of the following membership cards you will receive free admission to the Glacier Garden:

- Swiss Museum Pass (Sold here)
- Lucerne Museum Card
- Swiss Travel System Pass
- Raiffeisen Membercard
- Official press ID


Gaciergarden House rules

Download: House rules_GGLU_21docx.pdf

combi offers with public transport discount


Those who travel to us by public transport benefit from a reduction on the arrival departute fees. Return journey as well as the entrance fees. The RailAway combined offer ist available at all staffed train counters, available from Rail Service 0848 44 66 88 (CHF 0.08/min.) or online at


Dogs Dogs are generally welcome guests at the Glacier Garden, including in the Bistro. Please keep your dog on a leash in the outdoor areas. If you can carry it, dogs are also allowed indoors. Otherwise, you can tie your dog outside in front of the museum.

Means of payment

We accept Mastercard, Maestro, Visa, American-Express, Postcard, Twint, Reka-Cheques (No change). Currency: CHF and Euro (Change in CHF)