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Panier d'achat

Le panier est vide.

from myth to modern architecture

March 25, 2025, To January 4, 2026, at the sandstone pavilion

The exhibition focuses on a prominent yet elusive theme in Swiss popular culture.  
With kitschy souvenirs, model chalets over 100 years old, product catalogs from chalet factories, advertising posters from tourism organizations, and historical paintings, the exhibition tells the success stories of the holiday cliché – from its origins to the present day.  

It takes visitors on a journey to uncover the myth, the reality, and everything in between.

Regional Focus

The exhibition is complemented with local aspects:  

Historical Chalets in the Glacier Garden

Authentic chalets (Ticket House, Alpine Hut, Diorama) and the traditional Swiss Chalet with a Museum and Bistro/Shop. 

Chalet Models

A lovingly curated collection of traditional (Central) Swiss wooden houses. 

In the Footsteps of Queen Victoria

The visit of the British Queen to Lucerne in 1868 and her fascination with Swiss chalets. 

Pension Felsberg, Wesemlin Quarter

The tourist motivations behind the creation of this chalet settlement and what still can be seen of it today. 

Gasthaus Hergiswald, Kriens (Image)

A guesthouse designed by architect Gion A. Caminada. It is a local example of modern timber construction in the region.  

The Participatory Museum - A Collaborative Project 

We are looking for chalets!  

Where can chalets be found in Central Switzerland? Are there patterns that can be recognized on a map? And how should such an arrangement be interpreted? These are the questions the Glacier Garden and the Cantonal Heritage Preservation Service aim to explore in a joint project.  

Let us know if you discover a chalet, a chalet ensemble, or a Swiss house anywhere in Central Switzerland. Take a photo and send us an email with the following details: location (municipality), special observations such as name, year of construction, etc.  
The resulting map of the "Chalet Landscape of Central Switzerland" will be exclusively displayed in the exhibition and will be regularly updated.  

Every cemplete and correct submission will be rewarded with free entry to the Glacier Garden (max. 5 tickets per person).

Submissions to: Thank you in advance for participating!  

Exhibiton partner

Das Gelbe Haus Flims (Leihgeberin der Ausstellung)

Beat Gugger, freischaffender Ausstellungskurator

Carmen Gasser Derungs, Szenografin (

Mathias Steinmann, Stephan Steger: Kant. Denkmalpflege Luzern

Evi Rothenbühler, Geoinformation Kanton Luzern

Casagrande AG (Leihgeberin und Sponsoring)


Many thanks for the pleasant cooperation.




Bild: "Das Gelb Haus Flims": Gaudenz Danuser